Faci Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
1 Merlimau PlaceJurong Island
Singapore 627862
Tel: (+65) 6360 0300
Fax: (+65) 6360 0303
How to reach us:
From the airport you can hire a taxi directly to our factory (approx.40 minutes) or from the city (approx.30 minutes)
We have Business Ethics policies in place that can be made available upon request:- Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
- Fair Competition Policy
- Whistle-Blowing Policy & Procedure
- Ethical Business Commitment Statement
If you have any concern or information regarding any of our employees or partners to be involved in fraudulent, illegal or unethical activities, please report to us by contacting 636OO328 or whistleblowing.faciap(at)facigroup.com.
All reported concerns and information shall be treated with strictest confidence.
Faci Group
Faci SpA Carasco, Italy
Website : www.faci.it
Productos Metalest S.L., Zaragoza, Spain
Website : www.metalest.com
Faci (UK), Knowsley Industrial Park
Website : www.facichemicals.com
Faci China