Sodium Stearate

Data sheets available upon request


  • Sodium Stearate APS
  • Sodium Stearate APT
  • Sodium Stearate E (food grade)
  • Sodium Stearate APH (pharmaceutical grade)

General information

Environment : The product is biodegrable
Toxicity : The product is non-toxic as per the following references
USA : FDA title 21 CFR 172.615 – 172.863 – 175.300 – 177.2600 – 179.45 – 181.29,
EEC : Commission Directive 90 / 128 / EEC dated February 23, 1990 and further amendments.

EUR.Phar >> Conforming to current USP, EP and JP. - Faci can test all parameters requested by international pharmacopoeias.

Standard packaging

20kg bags on CP3 pallets
Other packaging arrangements available on request.

Typical applications

Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics
The main application lies in the manufacture of deodorant stick, facial soaps and ointments, etc. (most used are grades FU and VFU)

Latex and Rubber Compounds

Used in "Spheripol" process.

Used as additive for emulsifiers.

Animal feed

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